gak nyangka dan gak mikir... Hp gue kemaren blom di setting GPRS
hahahahahhhahaha bwodohnya aku..........................
usut punya usut di paman goegle akhirnya ketemu settingan GPRS untuk tiap kartu
Setting OTA:
Kirim SMS ke888 dengan pesan :
Setting OTA via SMS ;
Kirim SMS ke3000 dengan pesan :
Ketik : GPRS[spasi] merk HP[spasi] tipe HP
Setting Manual :
Profile Name : INDOSATGPRS
Homepage URL :
IP Address :
Bearer : GPRS
User Name : indosat
Password : indosat
APN : indosatgprs
Profile Name : INDOSATGPRS
Homepage URL :
IP Address :
Bearer : GPRS
User Name : indosat
Password : indosat
APN : indosatmms
Setting OTA via SMS ;
Kirim SMS ke3939 dengan pesan :
Ketik : GPRS[spasi] merk HP[spasi] tipe HP
Setting Manual :
Connection name : M3-GPRS
Access point name :
User name : gprs
Password : im3
Authentication : Normal
Homepage :
IP address :
Port : 9201 (standard), 8080 (proxy)
Connection name : M3-MMS
Access point name : indosatmms
User name : indosatmms
Password : indosatmms
Authentication : Normal
Homepage :
IP address :
Port : 9201 (standard), 8080 (proxy)
Kirim SMS ke 6616 dengan pesan :
Ketik : GPRS
Kirim SMS ke 6616 dengan pesan :
Ketik : GPRS[spasi]angka dibelakang simcard Anda (Nomor ICCID/Integrated Circuit Card Identification)
Kemudian tunggu beberapa saat, Anda akan mendapat SMS konfirmasi bahwa aplikasi GPRS sedang diproses. Waktu yang dibutuhkan sekitar 48 jam. Setelah GPRS aktif, Anda akan mendapat notifikasi SMS lagi yang menyatakan GPRS sudah aktif.
Setting Manual :
Profile Name : TSEL GPRS
APN : Telkomsel
User name : wap
Password : wap123
Authentication : Normal
Gateway IP address :
Homepage :
Data Bearer : GPRS
Proxy port number : 9201 atau 8000
Connection Name: tel-MMS
Data Bearer: GPRS
Access Point Name: mms
Username: wap
Prompt Password: No
Password: wap123
Authentication: Normal
Proxy address:
Connection Security: Off
Setting OTA via SMS ;
Ketik SMS dengan isi : GPRS[spasi][spasi] Kirim ke 9667
Ketik SMS dengan isi : MMS[spasi][spasi] Kirin ke 9667
Setting Manual :
Connection Name: XL-GPRS
Data Bearer: GPRS
Access Point Name:
Username: xlgprs
Prompt Password: No
Password: proxl
Authentication: Normal
Connection Security: Off
Session Mode: Permanent
IP Address: Automatic
Proxy Server Address:
Proxy Port Number: 8080
Connection Name: XL-MMS
Data Bearer: GPRS
Access Point Name:
Username: xlgprs
Prompt Password: No
Password: proxl
Authentication: Normal
Connection Security: Off
Session Mode: Permanent
IP Address: Automatic
Proxy Server Address:
Proxy Port Number: 8080
Setting Manual :
Settings’ Name: 3-GPRS
Homepage :
Proxies : Enable
Proxy address :
Port : 3128
GPRS access point : 3gprs
Authentication type : Normal
Login type : Automatic
Username : 3gprs
Password : 3gprs
Settings’ name : 3-MMS
Homepage :
GPRS access point : 3mms
Authentication type : Normal
Username : 3mms
Password : 3mms
Allow adverts : No
Parameter Umum GPRS
Connection Name : AXIS
Data Bearer : GPRS atau PS
Access Point Name (APN) : AXIS
Username : AXIS
Prompt Password : No
Password : 123456
Authentication : Normal
Gateway/Proxy IP Address :
Gateway/Proxy Port : 9201 atau 8080
Homepage :
Connection Security : Off
Session Mode : Permanent
Parameter Umum MMS
Connection Name : AXISmms
Data Bearer : GPRS atau PS
Access Point Name (APN) : AXISmms
Username : AXIS
Prompt Password : No
Password : 123456
Authentication : Normal
Gateway/Proxy IP Address :
Gateway/Proxy Port : 9201 atau 8080
Homepage / MMS Server : http://mmsc.AXIS
Connection Security : Off
Session Mode : Permanent
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
di setujui oleh domenic
gila gak ada habis habisnya aku bahagia
jadi inget lagunya bang iwan
oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... hari ini aku bahagia.......
udah 3 kali 3 hari berturut2 blog yang saya ajukan di terima sama
walaupun belum dapet job masih review lagi yang penting di terima dulu
katanya sich masih evaluasi

sabaaar sabaaar
demi mengais dolar aku rela bersabar
oh tuhan wujudkan impianku
bagi kalian yang pengen gabungan mengais dolar ikutan aja di sini tugasnya mudah kok
kita tinggal review, bikin back link(tugas yang di kasi sama adminya nanti)hasil dari review kita adalah 10-20 dolar tiap review....... klo blog kita punya PR tinggi pasti bisa mencapai 100dollar wewewewew jumlah yang tak terbayangkan olehku
waduh pokoknya keren dech..... selama ini sich aku belum membuktikan hasilnya.. tapi temen2 saya sudah jebol 80jt... wuih pokoknya keren abisss. jadi tertarik akhirnya ikutan daftar aku.....
minat klik di sini blogvertise gak perlu referal
jadi jagan salah klo andha klik dari blog aku aku yang untung...itu salah besar.. blogvertise bisa daftar sendiri tanpa ada yang membawa (menguntungkan pihak pembawa
) udah buruan daftar
jadi inget lagunya bang iwan
oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... hari ini aku bahagia.......
udah 3 kali 3 hari berturut2 blog yang saya ajukan di terima sama
walaupun belum dapet job masih review lagi yang penting di terima dulu
katanya sich masih evaluasi
sabaaar sabaaar
demi mengais dolar aku rela bersabar
oh tuhan wujudkan impianku
bagi kalian yang pengen gabungan mengais dolar ikutan aja di sini tugasnya mudah kok
kita tinggal review, bikin back link(tugas yang di kasi sama adminya nanti)hasil dari review kita adalah 10-20 dolar tiap review....... klo blog kita punya PR tinggi pasti bisa mencapai 100dollar wewewewew jumlah yang tak terbayangkan olehku
waduh pokoknya keren dech..... selama ini sich aku belum membuktikan hasilnya.. tapi temen2 saya sudah jebol 80jt... wuih pokoknya keren abisss. jadi tertarik akhirnya ikutan daftar aku.....
minat klik di sini blogvertise gak perlu referal
jadi jagan salah klo andha klik dari blog aku aku yang untung...itu salah besar.. blogvertise bisa daftar sendiri tanpa ada yang membawa (menguntungkan pihak pembawa
) udah buruan daftar
get money from blog
Blogging is not a new culture. Of the supporting factor is that owning and write a blog is easy and not have to pay. Lots of free blog service providers. Want to blogger, wordpress, multiply, or others, Just choose, click, list, so!
At first, many people write in blogs to share your opinions, poetry, or just vent. Next, user blogs also do it with a business reason for scratching provision. If you are also interested in making money, more money, make money through blogs, there are at least 5 ways to start a small business (small business you).
1. Sell-Buy Online. With the blog we can create a virtual store. Although virtual, of buying and selling real goods or services. Look at amazon! This is a bookstore in the form of a site. Purchase of books can be done without requiring you to come to the bookstore. The same way used lovereading. In Indonesia, such an online bookstore, among others, the equator and inibuku.
That site! What about blogs?! There is one blog that using this method is Amice's blog from Bali urges that sells bags. The advantage to trade online is a vast market and cross country, nirbatas region.
2. Ads selling. If a magazine or newspaper comparatively popular, certainly a lot of advertisers who are interested. Same with blogs. A blog a busy visit, many of which want to outsource the matching with the theme. So with our blogs, it is possible to sell space on our blogs to advertisers.
One of two service programs that are always ready to advertise on our blog is Google Adsense and AuctionAds. To be able to follow these two programs we have to register. The next step, to stay put special code that they give to our blog.
3. Selling works. ReviewMe could be one option for those of you who are interested to sell the work in written form. If you have subscribed to this program, they will give the project a review or reviews of the sites of their clients. Short writings. In fact there are only 200 words. Next live write (they ask in English), then upload them to our blog. Do not forget to confirm to the poster project after the project completed.
Get Reviewed At ReviewMe!
4. Nitip works. Besides writing for the blog itself, we can write for blogs or other sites. Some of these service providers, among others, Shvoong and helium. The second was like an agent who is ready to market our writing to the customer, usually the publisher. Honor we will be sent in several ways, could be via check, could also be in the form of virtual money (pay-pal) or (e-Gold).
Not only writing that can be deposited. The photographers, illustrators, graphic designers can also leave his work. Lots of places to place these works, and act as agents of our work, where they will pay us in the form of commission if the work we are bought by someone else. Two examples are, and iStockphoto.
5. Being Referers. Lots referers programs or referees (referral) who are willing to pay you to refer their products. Some examples of the above provides a referral service. For example, Adsense, Shvoong, Helium, 123rf, iStockphoto, agloco, or you can find another.
At first, many people write in blogs to share your opinions, poetry, or just vent. Next, user blogs also do it with a business reason for scratching provision. If you are also interested in making money, more money, make money through blogs, there are at least 5 ways to start a small business (small business you).
1. Sell-Buy Online. With the blog we can create a virtual store. Although virtual, of buying and selling real goods or services. Look at amazon! This is a bookstore in the form of a site. Purchase of books can be done without requiring you to come to the bookstore. The same way used lovereading. In Indonesia, such an online bookstore, among others, the equator and inibuku.
That site! What about blogs?! There is one blog that using this method is Amice's blog from Bali urges that sells bags. The advantage to trade online is a vast market and cross country, nirbatas region.
2. Ads selling. If a magazine or newspaper comparatively popular, certainly a lot of advertisers who are interested. Same with blogs. A blog a busy visit, many of which want to outsource the matching with the theme. So with our blogs, it is possible to sell space on our blogs to advertisers.
One of two service programs that are always ready to advertise on our blog is Google Adsense and AuctionAds. To be able to follow these two programs we have to register. The next step, to stay put special code that they give to our blog.
3. Selling works. ReviewMe could be one option for those of you who are interested to sell the work in written form. If you have subscribed to this program, they will give the project a review or reviews of the sites of their clients. Short writings. In fact there are only 200 words. Next live write (they ask in English), then upload them to our blog. Do not forget to confirm to the poster project after the project completed.
Get Reviewed At ReviewMe!
4. Nitip works. Besides writing for the blog itself, we can write for blogs or other sites. Some of these service providers, among others, Shvoong and helium. The second was like an agent who is ready to market our writing to the customer, usually the publisher. Honor we will be sent in several ways, could be via check, could also be in the form of virtual money (pay-pal) or (e-Gold).
Not only writing that can be deposited. The photographers, illustrators, graphic designers can also leave his work. Lots of places to place these works, and act as agents of our work, where they will pay us in the form of commission if the work we are bought by someone else. Two examples are, and iStockphoto.
5. Being Referers. Lots referers programs or referees (referral) who are willing to pay you to refer their products. Some examples of the above provides a referral service. For example, Adsense, Shvoong, Helium, 123rf, iStockphoto, agloco, or you can find another.
Monday, February 15, 2010
for a secound time approved by administrator
wawawawawawawawa i can't imagine that
because for a secound time my blog was approfved by administrator
this the proof

earn million money from blogvertise
who want follow me??????? just register at here and get much money from there
because for a secound time my blog was approfved by administrator
this the proof

earn million money from blogvertise
who want follow me??????? just register at here and get much money from there
Sunday, February 14, 2010
di approve sama yang punya blogvertise
ican't can imagine the same has received Blogvertise
after waiting for 4 days with the lure of a seductive taste tau gak klo udah di approve ya who have ?????????? karuan not .......
pengen cigarette burns. pengen drink. feel like ... Stranger wah pengen make love again with a girl hahahahahahahahahaha
bisa aja
've not much to say I
this the proof

but unfortunately
blogs that I manage not to get job
he said he ordered me in blogku Renew gain at least 60 days in the evaluation of new danmendapatkan return official duties
sich that's not the important issue is accepted by the owner of Blogvertise
hahahahahhhaahhahahaha thanks to all who've made me the spirit
after waiting for 4 days with the lure of a seductive taste tau gak klo udah di approve ya who have ?????????? karuan not .......
pengen cigarette burns. pengen drink. feel like ... Stranger wah pengen make love again with a girl hahahahahahahahahaha
bisa aja
've not much to say I
this the proof

but unfortunately
blogs that I manage not to get job
he said he ordered me in blogku Renew gain at least 60 days in the evaluation of new danmendapatkan return official duties
sich that's not the important issue is accepted by the owner of Blogvertise
hahahahahhhaahhahahaha thanks to all who've made me the spirit
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Join Me
great opportunity
Blogsvertise! It's simple. Earn cash and generate extra income from your blog!
Our Advertisers want YOU to mention and talk about their websites products and services in your blogs and journals. They want the publicity, the exposure, the Buzz! that online bloggers and internet journals can generate for their web site products and services. In exchange blogsvertise pays YOU in paypal per task/blog entry, for writing / talking about / mentioning their website in your blog!
how to do
1. In order to get started with blogsvertise you must register your account and blog with our service. If you do not have a blog, please visit this page for our list of recommended free blog sites. Once your account and is submitted , an administrator reviews your site for quality assurance purposes and will approve or reject your account. Please Read our rules for more information on what is allowed/not allowed.
2. Once your account is registered you will then add your blogs for review and approval. Once approved by the administrator your blogs are inserted into the assignment queue, where you will then be emailed tasks/new assignments to write about in your blog. Please read our rules At that point you should login to see the user service and how it works.
When the task assigned to you, You will be emailed a website url along with a brief note. Your task will be to mention the website in your blog and provide at least 3 links to the website in your blog entry. Your entry must be permanent and should not be deleted in the future. Note: You do not have to endorse the website's products or services, just mention it, discuss it, or relate to it somehow in your blog/journal entry.
3. After you have written your blog entry, you will need to submit the blog entry back to us for review and approval via our online forms. We will again review your entry for approval. Once your blog entry is approved , you will be paid after 30 days for your entry via paypal. You must have a paypal account in order to be paid.
# You must have a blog/journal setup with written content on your url/website in order to use the service. I'm sorry we do not provide any blog/journal hosting. Check our list of free blog services, for blog service sites.
# Blogsvertise Administrator may or may not approve your account or blog entry for any reason, and is sole discretion of the administrator.
# Blogsvertise Administrator may terminate your account at any time and is sole discretion of blogsvertise.
# You will be assigned tasks by the administrator to write about in your blog. Within your entry you must include 3 links to the website url in your blog. You do not have to endorse the advertiser's website products or services, just mention them in your blog and express your own honest opionion. You can relate to in your own life, review the site, compliment or even complain about it, it is entirely up to you. If you have not used the advertisers product or service, you can just describe what they do or make. We recommend you put up some type of disclaimer on your blog that states you may earn revenue from advertisements and links on your blog.
# At least 2-3 paragraphs of approx 100 words or more is required for blog entry approval.
# The task/entry must be completed within 5 days of being emailed to you.
# Blogsvertise Administrator may withhold or cancel payment due to user account at its sole discretion of blogsvertise.
# Your blog entry must remain online and be a permanent entry in your blog.
# Blogs that are new (less then 30 days), have little or no content, may be rejected or put on Probation status at a reduced payout rates.
# I'm sorry pornographic/adult oriented blogs are not permitted in blogsvertise at this time , due to paypal rules regarding adult content.
interested to follow

Join Me
great opportunity
Blogsvertise! It's simple. Earn cash and generate extra income from your blog!
Our Advertisers want YOU to mention and talk about their websites products and services in your blogs and journals. They want the publicity, the exposure, the Buzz! that online bloggers and internet journals can generate for their web site products and services. In exchange blogsvertise pays YOU in paypal per task/blog entry, for writing / talking about / mentioning their website in your blog!
how to do
1. In order to get started with blogsvertise you must register your account and blog with our service. If you do not have a blog, please visit this page for our list of recommended free blog sites. Once your account and is submitted , an administrator reviews your site for quality assurance purposes and will approve or reject your account. Please Read our rules for more information on what is allowed/not allowed.
2. Once your account is registered you will then add your blogs for review and approval. Once approved by the administrator your blogs are inserted into the assignment queue, where you will then be emailed tasks/new assignments to write about in your blog. Please read our rules At that point you should login to see the user service and how it works.
When the task assigned to you, You will be emailed a website url along with a brief note. Your task will be to mention the website in your blog and provide at least 3 links to the website in your blog entry. Your entry must be permanent and should not be deleted in the future. Note: You do not have to endorse the website's products or services, just mention it, discuss it, or relate to it somehow in your blog/journal entry.
3. After you have written your blog entry, you will need to submit the blog entry back to us for review and approval via our online forms. We will again review your entry for approval. Once your blog entry is approved , you will be paid after 30 days for your entry via paypal. You must have a paypal account in order to be paid.
# You must have a blog/journal setup with written content on your url/website in order to use the service. I'm sorry we do not provide any blog/journal hosting. Check our list of free blog services, for blog service sites.
# Blogsvertise Administrator may or may not approve your account or blog entry for any reason, and is sole discretion of the administrator.
# Blogsvertise Administrator may terminate your account at any time and is sole discretion of blogsvertise.
# You will be assigned tasks by the administrator to write about in your blog. Within your entry you must include 3 links to the website url in your blog. You do not have to endorse the advertiser's website products or services, just mention them in your blog and express your own honest opionion. You can relate to in your own life, review the site, compliment or even complain about it, it is entirely up to you. If you have not used the advertisers product or service, you can just describe what they do or make. We recommend you put up some type of disclaimer on your blog that states you may earn revenue from advertisements and links on your blog.
# At least 2-3 paragraphs of approx 100 words or more is required for blog entry approval.
# The task/entry must be completed within 5 days of being emailed to you.
# Blogsvertise Administrator may withhold or cancel payment due to user account at its sole discretion of blogsvertise.
# Your blog entry must remain online and be a permanent entry in your blog.
# Blogs that are new (less then 30 days), have little or no content, may be rejected or put on Probation status at a reduced payout rates.
# I'm sorry pornographic/adult oriented blogs are not permitted in blogsvertise at this time , due to paypal rules regarding adult content.
interested to follow
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